MetarWeather is a simple but useful program that decodes METAR reports to obtain weather information. Either from the web, by typing the METAR code, or by reading text files, the program is able to decode the weather information and display its contents in a grid report that includes useful parameters such as visibility, wind speed, temperature, pressure, precipitation, time, location, elevation, cloud height, and more. As soon as the information is available, you can generate a HTML report or copy the data to the clipboard.
The easiest way to use the program, even for people unfamiliar with "METAR reports", is by using its default mode, which automatically obtains the information from the NOAA site, and lets you select from a list the stations that will be included in the report. The list includes stations from the US and others locations, but it also gives you the option to add more by introducing their ICAO code.
To obtain information from other Internet sources, you can check the University of Wyoming or the Aviation Digital Data Service.